Together Series 2012

Adelaide Central School of Art - Honours

Together is a digital projection work that demonstrates an understanding of family connections between the artist and suspected relatives.

The work records a process of successive photos that have been projected on to a wall at life-size: whilst the artist mimics the poses, dressed and painted totally in white. This layered approach often creates a merge of images that can become a little visually tricky. The work is displayed at life size to encourage a visual relationship with the creation method, also inviting viewers to participate within the work.

The attempt of becoming someone else has been captured, as though the artist is slipping into someone else’s skin for a few seconds, existing in their world.  Slight movements temporarily animate the bodies of the still images, as a face begins to turn or arm is raised. The artist tentatively tests whether she fits in, sometimes standing in for those who are only suspected to be a relation.

Together explores genetic similarities in appearance, and is a genuine attempt to understand and connect with the individuals. The process has been filmed and video speed altered to reflect a slightly faster pace, steering it away from becoming morbid and uncanny.  A visual act of remembering is displayed as Together reveals the artist existing within history in a parallel world. 

Together, 2012, digital video, dimensions variable, 3:48